Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Last Minute Table Topics Can Be Great, If Organized

December 1, 2014, Youngstown Toastmasters 408

Table Topics is a standard for most Toastmasters meetings. Table Topics is an integral part of helping members and guests to able to improve their ability to quickly organize their thoughts and give responses to an impromptu question or topic given to them. A Table Topic answer has a time limit of two minutes and a half.

This meeting, I was set to be an evaluator. Then, the evening’s Toastmaster asked me to be the Table Topics master only a few hours before the meeting.

Early in my Toastmasters journey, I was given some advice from David Casey, a seasoned Toastmaster. He said “always be prepared do any role at any time for any meeting.” I always have something ready for any role.

As Table Topics master, I had to come up with questions. I carry a folder with my Toastmaster materials that have Table Topic questions that I have collected. Some questions have come from a Vanity Fair magazine segment called Proust Questionnaire. It asks various questions like “What is your idea of perfect happiness?  What is your current state of mind?  What is your most treasured possession? The questions were asked and answered by celebrities ranging from comedian Jerry Lewis to actress Lena Dunham.

In this blog of What I Have Learned At Toastmasters This Week, I would like to share how I prepare for doing a great Table Topics segment.

First thing I do, when I get to the meeting is get the agenda. I look to see who has roles especially the General Evaluator and the Evaluators. In our club, we try not to call on the evaluators until almost to the end of the Table Topics because they are working on their evaluations of the prepared speeches.

As the meeting is starting, I write everyone's names who are actually at the meeting. Again, I note the General Evaluator and Evaluators with a GE and E by their names. Usually, I write the questions on a separate sheet of paper beforehand. This meeting, I had to write the questions as the meeting was going on because of the short notice of getting the Table Topics master role.

At this meeting, we had 12 members including one guest.

Now, I have a list of names and questions. I look over the list and questions. Then, I match the questions with the person I would like to hear their answer to a certain question. It helps to know a little about each speaker by listening to them speak before from a prepared speech or another table topics time. I write their name right next to the questions. Maybe, other Table Topics masters like to randomly call on people with any question. My thought is that people may feel more confident and develop their impromptu skills with a question that they have some personal knowledge or not.

For example, Gina, our newest member, is really animated when she speaks. She always seems happy.  So, the question I asked her was “what is your current state of mind?” She answered” excited” and when on to explain why she felt this way.

I gear the question to something about the person which could apply to anyone. A key to my table topic style is that I give the question or topic and glance around the room. This gives people a chance to think about the answer. I may look directly at the person who I will give the question to, but most times, I am looking at someone else as I call their name.

Another thing, I do is that I give a second question that is similar to another question. I started with “What was the last book you read? Did you like it or dislike it?
I believe there is someone out there that is saying “I wish I would have gotten that question.” So, I came up with another question to another person with” What kind of book would you like to write?”

Also, I tried to make smooth transitions by saying something about the person’s response to the Table Topics question. For example, someone answered the last book you read question. I said something about a movie I had just seen that was based on a book called” The Book Thief.”

One last note, when you have a list of the people at the meeting for Table Topics. After they answer a Table Topics question. You can cross them off the list. This way, you don’t leave anyone out. Everyone is included and gets a chance to participate, if time permits.  Also, the list make you look good and in control because you are not in front of the group confused on who you called on and didn’t call on.

What I've learned Through Toastmasters, being the Table Topics master can be a fun role as long as you prepare and be organized even at the last minute.

Art Byrd has been a member of Executive 408 Toastmasters Youngstown, since 2009.

He has achieved his Competent Communicator, Advanced Bronze, Silver and Gold. Competent Leader and Advanced Leader Bronze. He is working on his Advanced Silver.

Currently, Art is the Vice President of Public Relations for Toastmasters 408 
and the Area Governor for Area 13 in District 10 in Ohio.

Vanity Fair with Lena Dunham courtesy of Vanity Fair

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